
The New Paradise on Earth® community is for private members by invitation only.  The aim is to provide mutual support and orchestrate programs/projects to turn the Divine Vision of New Paradise on Earth® into reality, including spiritual/humanitarian/economic development programs and Earth healing projects.

To request an invitation to join the community, please submit the following information by clicking this LINK:
·  Name & Title/Position
·  Company/Organization Name (Indicate For-Profit / Non-Profit entity)
·  Address, City, State/Province, Country
·  Phone Number (include Country Code)
·  Email
·  Website
·  An Executive Summary (1~3 pages) including:

·        A vision/mission statement.
·        Purpose/Reason/Objective(s) to join the New Paradise on Earth ® community.
·        An overview of plan/program/project(s). (Indicate For-Profit or Non-Profit)
·        Finance/Budget. (Specify “Want Funding” or “Have Funding to offer”)
·        Resources. (Specify the resources “Needed” or “Available” to support others.
·        Expertise/Technology/Invention.
·        Leadership/Management/Team.

Please provide a link to the document/PDF file (such as Dropbox or Google doc) if there is not enough space in the email. 

There is an interest list that may take some time and effort to review and evaluation. You will be contacted when anything else is needed, or when there is a potential to proceed to the next step.  Thank you for your understanding and patience.